Saturday, May 15, 2010

"Zeko" and the rest of us

Our little man Ezekiel is now 5 weeks old and going strong. At his last weigh in (nearly 3 weeks ago now) he was 7 lbs 3 oz. He smiles more and more (yes, some of it is still gas-but that doesn't make it any less cute!) and is even...dare I say...sleeping through the night! Wooohooo! His last feeding is at 9 pm and he sleeps until at least 5 am, and sometimes as long as 6:30 am. The part we have to work on is getting him to fall asleep faster after his 9 pm feeding. He tends to have gas and poop issues after this feeding, so he doesn't usually get to sleep until about 10:30 or 11:00. For any new parents out there who aren't sure how smart their newborn is...the other night I was putting Ezekiel to bed and as soon as I entered the dark room and turned on his bedtime music, he started crying. He knew full well is was now bedtime and HE DID NOT want to go to bed. It was the funniest thing!

Isaiah gets the credit for Ezekiel's nickname of "Zeko." This is how he pronounces his little brother's name and we thought it was way too cute to pass up. Isaiah and Graci have taken to their new little brother so wonderfully. They are both so tender with him. Today when we left church to come home, Isaiah was informing Zeko that were heading home to have lunch now. It was pretty cute. Graci of course loves to take care of her littlest brother. She is the official "binkie" monitor and goes to get it for him if he's fussing. She loves to hold him and get diapers for me when I'm changing him. Isaiah has become the official monitor of throwing away Zeko's diapers in the trash for us. I love to see them love on him and be so helpful!

I have to add (very humbly of course) that although I change more of Zeko's diapers than Jon does, Jon still holds the record for being the ONLY one that Ezekiel has played "fireman" with and squirted while his diaper was open. I think he's up to about 4 or 5 times now. We'll see how long I can keep my dry streak going.

Jon is reading away in preparation for his summer school class that meets this week. It's a one week course from 8-5, Monday through Friday. I think it's a beginning Theology class. We were both amazed at how much work there still is for such a time condensed class. He received an email from the professor last week saying that although the time is condensed, the work load is the same as it is during the regular semester. This explains the 900 plus pages of reading, 2 exams and 2 papers required. Yikes!!! He's been reading his little eyes out the last week or so and is almost through all the reading assignments through Wednesday.

We are interviewing on June 7 for a position as a "Cares Team" with a ministry called "Apartment Life." As a Cares Team, it will be our responsibility to organize and hold events and activities, welcome new residents, and build relationships with the people in the apartment complex that Apartment Life assigns us to. We work with the apartment managers and minister to the residents through gatherings, organized sports, and helping out in times of need. (organize meals for new babies or deaths in the family, etc.) In exchange for our services, Aparment Life pays our rent for us. What a blessing! We are SUPER excited about this opportunity to minister in a way that we are both gifted at and love. It's also something that we can do together which is what we've been praying for. Please keep our interview in prayer. We are praying to get placed in an apartment complex that is between DTS and our church, and also hoping to be placed sooner than later so that we won't have to keep paying rent where we are now. We're excited to see what God has planned!

I am healing well and am still waiting to wake up one morning and have my body back to it's normal small state. It hasn't happened yet, but I'll keep you posted. Weight Watchers is in motion as well as my post-pardom workout video, so hopefully I'll start feeling the affects soon. I am feeling well and had my last doctor's check up last week. All is well and I got a clean bill of health.

I'm sure there's more to write, but I'm even more sure that you're tired of reading, so I'll end this post. Thank you for your prayers and love!


  1. Thanks for the update sis! Ezekiel is BEAUTIFUL!!! Just like your other kiddos. :) Can't wait to hold him! I am still reading Baby Wise and will probably be calling you with feeding and sleeping questions, you seem to be the expert. :) Say hi to the family for us! Love.

  2. He is so cute, Yeni! I will keep praying for you guys! Love you!

  3. Love it! Love you! - grandpa Ogre

  4. Reading your update feels like it's a page right out of my own life. with a newborn...wonderfully sweet! Except I was the one always being pee'd on. He hadn't done it in weeks then got me again today! I'm glad to hear Zeko is sleeping through the is Jake...what a blessing! :)
