Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bracing for 2010!

Hey ya'll!

Now that we're officially residing in Dallas, Texas, I suppose I better get used to the accents and phrases that come along with it. Who knows, Graci and Isaiah might pick it up faster than Jon and I do.

Well, let me back up a bit. We moved here at the beginning of December '09 so that Jon could start his Master's of Theology at Dallas Theological Seminary. It is a four year program, but we are thinking realistically it will take him 5 years. His construction job in Colorado Springs finished early which released us at the perfect time for God lead us to Dallas. Amazing how His perfect timing is just that...perfect.

So we've been here for about a month give or take a week or two when we went to Ca to be with my family for Christmas. We are settling in well and finding our niche'. Jon began classes this week and has felt overwhelmed to say the least. He is taking a full load of 13 units. Memories of undergrad came flooding back to both of us when we looked through his syllabi to see what will be required of him this semester. Whew! I'm glad I'm not the one taking the classes! I get to be the devoted, supportive wife to makes sure he gets his sleep, nutrition, down time and especially husband and daddy time in each day. We are still on the hunt for a part time job for him to sustain us. Many applications have been sent out, with little to no response from most. He does have an interview on Friday with Starbucks. Please be praying!!!

Our newest addition to the family (another little boy) will be joining us in April sometime. We are very excited to welcome him into the family! I admit I'm a bit nervous at the thought of juggling three little ones, three years old and under (well, not literally juggling them) while Jon's a full time student. I'm sure it will be an exciting adventure in itself and I look forward to the challenge.

2010 will be a year of many new things for city and state, new life as a student and wife of a student, new baby, new blessings, and mountains and valleys to trudge through. Please be praying for us as we brace ourselves for yet another adventure.


  1. Welcome to TX! Wish we were still residing in the Dallas area. I'm not liking Austin all that much. Praying the Lord will send us back to Dallas sometime in the (near) future. :)

  2. Need more pictures of my adorable grand niece and nephew! Love you guys. Aunt Lyn

  3. LOVE the polka dot background! So fun! Welcome to the blog-o-sphere!

  4. I can totally relate to you Jeni! Ruben started seminary when our oldest was 1. We got pregnant his first year and had our 2nd daugther. He carried 5-7 classes(17-21 units) at a time, half in Hebrew, half in Greek and whatever doctrine they can sandwich in between while I stayed home with the babies. It was the hardest time in our marriage and our lives. But I can say this: the LORD provided for us and sustained us and helped us to see how He is faithful even in the most trying of circumstances. We were blessed with help, support and prayers from our church. Truly I can say that all glory belongs to God!
